A Letter from Our President
A Letter from Our President
A Letter from Our President
Spring Recruitment
Formal recruitment occurs during the spring semester and is a structured form of recruitment. Interested women must sign up for formal recruitment, using campus director. The link will be given below. These women are encouraged to attend UMBC's involvement fest as well as PHA's Open House prior to recruitment. All interested women will be placed in groups and given Rho Gammas (recruitment guides), who will guide the women during the recruitment process. Formal recruitment has three rounds and lasts four days, typically a Friday-Monday. After each round, women in recruitment will be able to rank a certain number of sororities they are interested in returning to in future rounds.
Due to ongoing health and safety concerns surrounding COVID-19, there will be no in-person recruitment. More information will be posted here and on our Instagram Page (@umbcpha) as we plan during these unprecedented times.
The dates of Formal Recruitment for Spring 2021 are:
Orientation: February 18th, 7-11pm
Sisterhood Round: February 19th, 7-11pm
Philanthropy Round: February 20th, 1-3:30pm
Preference Round: February 21st, 1-3pm
Bid Day: February 22nd, 7-11pm
To sign up for recruitment
Explanation of the Rounds
There are 4 sororities participating in each round of recruitment. During round one, you will visit each of the 4 sororities. The purpose of this round of recruitment is to introduce potential new members to all of the Panhellenic sororities in our Greek community. You should dress casually and comfortably, as you will be moving from one sorority to the next at a rather fast pace.
This round allows you to visit up to 3(@Kian?) sororities to learn about their philanthropic organizations and other community service projects they participate in throughout the school year. At each of the events you attend, you will view a short video that pertains to that sorority’s specific philanthropy. Our chapters are very involved in their philanthropies on campus and nationwide which brings our community together in a unique way. This round will give you the opportunity to gain insight into what we are most passionate about. Casual and comfortable clothing are appropriate this day as well.
Preference gives you the opportunity to visit up to two sororities for an hour each. This round of recruitment is the most special because you are invited to be a part of an intimate chapter ceremony. Generally, you will be hosted by a member of the sorority whom you have already met and might have gotten along with especially well. This is the most formal round, and a nice skirt or dress is appropriate to wear to Preference. You may also want to wear heels because you will only be visiting a maximum of two sororities.
Bid Day is the last day of the recruitment period. This is the day that invitations to join sororities are extended. Your Rho Gamma and Cory Bosco will inform you of the chapter you have been invited to accept a Bid into. After a small Bid Day celebration with your Rho Gamma and group, you will meet your new member class and sorority sisters. You will join your sorority with your new member class, where everyone will welcome you. There are usually activities planned for you to get acquainted with your new sisters. You will be given a t-shirt by your new sorority, so wear something that is easy to layer over top of.