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Fall Recruitment

The fall recruitment, also informal recruitment, period officially starts after UMBC's Involvement Fest event held on campus each year. Not every chapter participates in informal recruitment and it is up to the each individual chapter as to whether they choose to participate or not. Fall recruitment is also much more unstructured than spring recruitment. After Involvement Fest, it is up to each individual chapter to decide what events and how many they will hold during the recruiting period. Please note that some chapters will hold a fall or open house, but this does not mean that they are participating in fall recruitment. These open houses are to make potential new members more familiar with the chapters at UMBC. Fall new member classes are generally much smaller than spring new member classes, and sometimes chapters that are recruiting in the fall will only offer a bid to one or two new members.

 Fall Recruitment 2020

Due to ongoing health and safety concerns surrounding COVID-19, there will be no in-person recruitment. More information will be posted here and on our Instagram Page (@umbcpha) as we plan during these unprecedented times. 


Fall 2021 Coming Soon....

Fall Recruitment 2020

Fall Recruitment 2020

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